Logging in Javascript and filtering by tag

I’m not a fan of loggers in general when it comes to simplicity. They all require you to spend (waste) some time on understanding their configuration syntax, maybe dealing with XML files (what am I, a caveman? :P), and they often require you to adapt to their philosophy. By that I mean, there’s plenty of questions on StackOverflow similar to this, and I definitely share this guy‘s feeling about the issue.

In Javascript, I’ve seen some libraries for logging, and they all look quite complicated to set up. Or, quite complicated considering it’s Javascript we’re talking about. JSLog doesn’t require that much configuration, but most of the times I don’t even care about log levels in JS “apps”, I just want to filter messages according to their context. So I may be interested in all ajax-related logs at some point, but not in DOM manipulation messages. At some other time, I may be interested in DOM manipulation logs, but not in ajax-related messages. These can be though of as log tags (the “DOM” tag, the “ajax” tag, the “user-input” tag, and so on).

A quick and dirty way to deal with all of this is to define some Log functions named after the “context” in which they’re called, and assign them to a no-op function when you want to filter them out.

In Chrome, these could be the log functions (let’s say they’re stored in log.js):

function Log() {

Log.message = function(message) {

Log.dom = Log.ajax = Log.message;

Then, throughout your code, you may have calls like:

Log.dom('adding sidebar');
// in some other place...
Log.ajax('new msg received from server');

All you need to do to disable e.g., all ajax logs, is just change the Log.ajax function to a no-op in log.js, like this:

Log.ajax = function(){};

you can even do it live using the Chrome Developer Tools!

So a question could be: aren’t those calls to a no-op function expensive? Javascript function calls are expensive, right? Why not add a flag like this:

if (logAjaxEnabled) {
   Log.ajax('new msg received from server');

to all log calls?

Well, it’s a pain to add all those checks, that’s why 🙂

And your mileage may vary, but in all browsers I’ve tested, calling a no-op is not that bad. It’s way worse than using the flag, but it’s in the same ballpark (assuming you’re not writing some very CPU intensive code), and it’s WAY less painful to use, cause you don’t need to write all those if statements.

I put together a dumb benchmark on JSPerf to see what’s the performance drawback for using this method, you can try it!

It’s also interesting to note how browser performances for something like this vary that wildly.. ah, the JS world!

I’m sure I’m not discovering anything here (I mean, just look at the first few links for a simple Google query like this), but I haven’t seen this approach being used that much (filtering by context, and not by log level). It’s something very close to what Android’s LogCat does, and I really like it!